Continuing with our "long and slow process" project...
After which I proceeded with Step 5: sanding the drywall that we put up last month. If I had to pick the worst step of this entire project, it would have to be the sanding. Yes, the wallpaper ripping was very tedious and time consuming. But, it was a pretty clean ordeal. Sanding, on the other hand is a mess with all the dust created. I still have a layer of drywall dust in my living room and piano room. While I thought I had every doorway taped--I had to retape one of them when I realized the dust was not contained in the kitchen.
But, I got Step 5 done.
Onto Step 6: Texturing. I will admit that once we got the technique down and the consistency of the mud figured out it went very quickly and was actually quite fun. When we started the mud was too thick and thus the actual texturing was very labor intensive. So much so that Jaren wasn't sure he'd ever finish this step. He took a break and then we tackled it again with a thinner mud. Went on easily after that. Thank goodness. I can not imagine texturing without an air compressor and texture gun. So fun to use such tools. The photo below is right after the first run of texturing. It was intense.
This photo was taken after the texturing is all dry and waiting for Step 7: Priming (I will finish this today)
If you look very closely you can see the nice texturing job!!
It feels good to get this far into the project. Now I'm onto some steps that I've actually done before. So, it should go quickly.
We're almost done...with the walls at least. There's still much to do to actually finish the kitchen but the walls were the biggest part of it.