I've been tagged!! I'm supposed to list seven quirky things about me and then challenge three other people to do the same! I honestly believe that I've grown out of many of my quirks, but then we just get new ones, right?
1. If I have to share a room with a group of children over the age of five, I'll go crazy rather quickly. So birthday parties....yeah, we're still working on that. And, I'm so glad I'm "unable" to volunteer at the elementary school right now.
2. I'm a party pooper when it comes to Halloween and Valentine's Day. I mean, what is the big deal?
3. I don't wear shirts that have to be tucked in! I don't wear generic T-shirts either (unless it's for hard labor).
4. I hate making phonecalls! Especially if the person on the other end is a stranger (which is always the case when you have to contact your insurance, your bank, your credit card company, etc.). If all the world would communicate via e-mail what a nicer place it would be. This is such a phobia for me that sometimes I'll go without solving an issue for weeks before I finally get up the courage to do it or Jaren does it for me (he gets so frustrated with me because of this). Calling for a babysitter is the worst!!
5. Everything MUST have a place. Don't misunderstand...I'm not a neat freak. My house can be a mess, but when we pick it up I'm proud to say that everything has a place. If it doesn't, it'll sit there until it does. I'm bad enough that I will reorganize the whole house to find a place for one thing. So, yes--I'm always reorganizing (ask my husband).
6. I like "colorful" meals. For example: If you're going to have mac n' cheese you need to have atleast hot dogs and peas with it because mac n' cheese is ugly by itself. If you're going to have baked chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy you must have a green vegetable (not an orange one like carrots or corn) and sprinkling it with parsley helps too.
7. I like to serve my meals in serving bowls with serving spoons instead of right out of the pot/pan. I don't care if Hurricane Ike just came through and my electricity is out. I will still serve my guests from serving bowls. So what that I have to wash them by hand because I can't use the dishwasher. Pots and pans are for cooking in, not serving out of. And you certainly don't put the pot/pan on the table to serve out of. If you must serve from the pot, keep it out of sight.
Rereading this, gosh I'm so weird!
I tag Jamie, Maria, and Cindy!