Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I really should be folding the laundry (that Robyn so happily dumped all over my living room floor). Or I could be doing dishes and cleaning the kitchen....again today.
Maybe put the groceries away.

So boring. So don't want to.

I'd much rather just roll around in the clean laundry like they're leaves!
Or make my kitchen even messier by making cookies, breads or muffins.

I'm torn as to what I really should be doing so I just sit here and type ....

Sunday, March 28, 2010

To Be A Buffalo

1. You must agree to many nicknames:
Buffa-high and Buffa-low
(yep, he was missing a "horn")


2. It's a compliment to have mud between your toes at the Quartermaster's Store (try not to make fun of the Foxes stuffed in little boxes).
3. You never walk from place to place. You are only allowed to STAMPEDE!
4. Roaming is not allowed but it will happen...all the time.
5. Herding up for every group gathering is mandatory.
6. It's pronounced "Buffaloooooooow!!!!!"
7. Sometimes you may not fit in with the rest of the troop...it's okay if you don't win ANY contest.
8. When the wind spoils your down time you must herd up and start over.
9. Alarm clocks are optional (you won't hear it anyway).
10. Buffalo 7 will find you no matter what!
11. Head bobbers are optional but strongly encouraged.
12. Your patrol yell should not include the sounds of crazy gorillas (did we ever get that right?).
13. There's one answer to every question: Did you see that cake?
14. Bugs really are not friends--at least not to Buffalini.
15. Buffaloes really do have wings.
16. Just surrender to the fact that raccoons LOVE white bread.
17. Don't blink when the Phantom Buffalo comes around--you might miss 'em.
18. You must know The Legend of the Lost Buffalo.
19. Even Buffaloes can stand on chairs to be heard.
20. It's okay to cry...it's just the manifestation of the Spirit of the Buffalo.
21. It will take at least 4 Buffaloes to boil water (and wash dishes).
22. Let Buffalo the Kid get run over by a bus.
23. Bribing the judges doesn't help.
24. The Buffalo gals WILL dance by the light of the moon.Buffalo Gals
25. Prepare for Mr. Buffalo Hyde--expect explosive giggles when he turns up.
26. Ask yourself: What's a "Whatzit" Box?
27. Be sure to get yourself a "voice activated, portable, obedient" table.
28. You must agree that Elvis never stampeded with us.

To the Buffalo Patrol of Troop 1 for Wood Badge Course SR-1023, it was awesome and absolutely "fantastic-ish!" Thanks for the memories and the good times. It was a privilege stampeding with you. And, a special thanks goes out to Papa Buffalo for helping us see our vision and write our tickets!
Now--Buffalo Gal, Buffalo 7, Buffalo Hyde, Buffalo the Kid, Buffalo Wings and The Phantom Buffalo--it's our move!

Until we meet again!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


I know I haven't updated in awhile. I promise to post a bit more often AFTER my brain is done working in overdrive (umm, here's to hoping that actually happens). A part of me is convinced that this is how my life will be from now on...

I've been soaking up so much mentally and emotionally these passed two weeks that I cannot begin to pretend that I've got it all together! I cannot remember the last time that I felt like my brain just couldn't take in anymore! It's overflowing, on fire, in overdrive...however you want to think of it. Just trying to manage and organize it all.

But, I have to mention that at the same time it's all very exciting!