Every year, our Memorial Day holiday weekend includes a weekend at Grandma's house--or the home I grew up in. Grandma lives in the countryside on Lake Livingston in Southeast, TX. It's a time for our family to really enjoy some rest and recreation with aunts, uncles, in-laws and cousins. There is never a shortage of things to do. If you're bored . . . well, that's your own fault ;-P
This year was complete with a few firsts:
1. Our six-year old really tried some "serious" swimming in the lake (which was higher and dirtier than usual thanks to lots of rain this spring). Her dear cousin showed her how to "swing her arms" for freestyle.
2. We spent the actual Memorial Day at the Houston National Cemetery. Attending this very well-known and sacred service was a bit out of our comfort zone, but we knew it would be an uplifting experience. The small Children's Choir that I accompany for performed during this particular Memorial Day Service. It was our frst performance ever! The link provided is the news coverage of the services. When the author mentions that "We heard children sing patriotic songs "--it's our group that he was speaking of. If you watch the news video, I'm actually in it about 10 seconds in (for a split second) standing on the left of the screen wearing a blue shirt--yep, mommy's little moment of fame :-P
Not having a military ancestry, participating in such services in not something we normally do or even think of. But, we all agree that it was a unique experience to be able to rub shoulders with not only many veterans and soldiers but also many members of our local and state governments. It provided us with the opportunity to remember what Memorial Day is all about.
Our weekend was also spent making pizzas, building puzzles, playing games, celebrating birthdays, swimming, fishing, watching movies, enjoying the outdoors, cleaning out my parents' garage, and just enjoying the time together as family.
Preparing for a cousin's birthday celebration
Chit-chatting with cousins
On the rope swing
Playing with water balloons in the water
(always more fun when there's more water)
Playing ping pong
Attempting a game of badminton
(which is really interesting with a 6-year old)
Brother-in-laws enjoying the outdoors together
So, why is this considered "wholesome recreational activity?" This gave us the opportunity to exemplify many of the activities described in Widmer's definition that included developing skills and learning.
Develop skill and learn: My daughter learning how to swim (and fish), learning a new game, building a puzzle, playing piano for the children's singing group
Build relationships: Relationships were particularly developed between cousins and older siblings (like my siblings and I).
Elder Oaks defintions included activities that have the ability to inspire. Attending and participating in the Memorial Day services was certainly inspiring and uplifting.
WRA, REL200, Post 3